Hi, I'm Meghan

I’m not your
Voice teacher.

I’m not your
Voice teacher.


What I mean by that is that my work lives somewhere between vocal coaching, technique, and anatomy, with fine-tuned, almost chiropractic-like adjustments, that helps singers find a freedom and ease in their abilities to take on new vocal challenges, while ALSO allowing their voice to reach new heights they never thought possible! 

My journey to becoming a 

 started with the same spark we all share:

My journey to becoming a 

 started with the same
spark we all share:

singing voice technician

singing voice technician

a passion for music

a passion for music

Back in my undergrad days, I became inspired by the idea of how we can lift the music notes off the page to live through the entire voice and body. I became less concerned about sounding “beautiful” (whatever that means!) and more curious - I often asked myself, how do I do this? What does it mean to find these notes in the body? How can I make it feel free and effortless and powerful? 

What started out as a quest to understand the mechanics behind the music transformed into a love affair with the delicate nuances of vocal anatomy and physiology. Okay, I admit it sounds a bit nerdy 🤓, but geeking out on the voice has become my absolute passion! More than ever, I am inspired to share this ✨golden knowledge✨ with you. Many of my students are completely amazed by what they’ve been able to achieve, and witnessing those transformations has become my absolute joy and purpose!

I always loved singing and I knew I wanted to do something with it.

After completing my undergraduate degree at the Memorial University of Newfoundland in voice, my inspiration led me to the pursuit of a master’s degree.

Guided by incredible mentors, my understanding of the vocal instrument deepened. I honed my technical skill, and was instilled with a profound appreciation of the ways our bodies can produce sound (Cool, right?! I think so!)

While I love performing (and still do!) the practice room is where I found my passion. For me, it is a sanctuary where the voice, an instrument of boundless potential, can be shaped and supported and refined!  

I thrived in the voice labs and lecture halls where I got to dive into the fusion of physiology, anatomy, and acoustics.

Launching a modest teaching venture here in St. John's, Newfoundland in 2007,

I began with the enthusiasm to share my knowledge of the basics to budding musicians and young singers. As my students matured, so did our work together, allowing me to delve into the technical intricacies of the instrument of the voice! 

Today, the majority of my clients are either voice professionals or anyone with a base knowledge of the voice and vocal technique. 

They are people with whom I am inspired to share that golden information I learned way back in school - truly allowing for a free and limitless expression! 

Witnessing these changes in my students, and witnessing their joy when they exceed their own expectations, is what keeps me genuinely and whole-heartedly fulfilled. Helping great singers amaze themselves is my ultimate reward and purpose. I can’t wait to work with you to see where your voice can go!

book a lesson with me

Are you a pro? Inquire to book by clicking here



I worked with Meg during my undergrad, and sought her guidance a few years afterward. Despite not having had a lesson with her in some time, she was able to quickly diagnose key technical aspects of my singing, and offered a plethora of vocal suggestions to achieve my unique 'sound outcome'. I believe that her experience with many genres of vocal production and her continual curiosity with all things technical and musical, positions her as an exceptional pedagogue and performer.

Adam Wicks, tenor

Meghan Herder is a warm, humorous soul with exceptional knowledge of all things vocal performance. 

She knows voices and bodies inside and out, and she can identify what she's hearing so quickly, and makes gentle, inquisitive, collaborative comments to help steer singers towards healthy, easy singing.

Amy Henderson, conductor of Projēkt Chamber Voices

Meghan is an incredible teacher and technician. 



Voice has always been part of my life, from early days in choir and musical theatre to taking some lessons sporadically throughout university. However, I felt that I was stuck in old habits and unaware of my true voice when I wasn't trying to be a certain character or blend into a group. Meg has given me a safe space to explore my own creative voice - literally and figuratively - while gradually working to release old patterns. This kind of teaching is rare and deeply needed in our world, no matter the field.

Michelle Gott, harpist

It has been such a transformative journey working with Meghan for a little over a year now.



I can’t wait to book more with her. She is a vocal chiropractor I swear and she is so easy and enjoyable to work with! I highly recommend booking with her.

Dana Parsons, performer & radio personality

After only having 1 lesson with Meghan I was able to sort through a few vocal obstacles I had encountered recently!



Her ability to recognize vocal strengths and weaknesses and have the exact technique to improve them was vital for me in a time when I was facing a lot of vocal stress and fatigue. I’m so thankful for my time with her and know that she’s the perfect coach for all of your needs!

Jordan Coaker, musician

Meghan Herder is so amazing at what she does.



We went into the studio full of questions, and left full to the brim of helpful information and clear ways to implement new healthy habits. Meghan is a fabulous coach, supportive, intuitive, and full of helpful information!

Carole, from Youngtree & Carole Bee

Working with Meghan was a treat!! Meghan is FULL of expertise and vast knowledge of vocal technique and how the body works to best support the voice. 



In lessons, she’s able to explain exactly how everything works and really helps at getting directly to the root of what you need to do as a singer in order to execute the sound you want. She demonstrates constantly throughout lessons which is so unbelievably helpful in the learning process. She has great advice for vocal health and care, she genuinely knows literally everything about the vocal folds and how they work and also how to take care of them properly. She’s a magician!!

Keith Roberts, performer & costume designer.

Meghan Herder is an incredibly talented singer, musician and teacher.



She has helped me in so many ways and is a big contributor to the person and singer that I am today! Meghan is an extremely passionate and knowledgeable voice teacher who is always learning new vocal pedagogy methods that best support her students. Meghan has an individualized approach for every singer and can actively listen during lessons to provide valuable feedback.

Sarah Knight, singer & music educator

Over the past five years, I have had the opportunity to work with Meghan Herder as my voice professor and continued studying with her since graduating. 



Her studio is bright, tidy, and welcoming and she is an extremely kind and skilled teacher. Meg’s knowledge of vocal pedagogy and her skill in applying that knowledge to working with many different musical genres is immensely helpful.
Meg is an excellent vocal technician who is able to quickly and consistently identify vocal challenges and to subsequently guide singers of diverse ages and voice types through effective technical exercises, both in general and in relation to specific repertoire

Her studio is bright, tidy, and welcoming and she is an extremely kind and skilled teacher. Meg’s knowledge of vocal pedagogy and her skill in applying that knowledge to working with many different musical genres is immensely helpful. Meg is an excellent vocal technician who is able to quickly and consistently identify vocal challenges and to subsequently guide singers of diverse ages and voice types through effective technical exercises, both in general and in relation to specific repertoire. Her efficient time management during lessons coupled with expert attentiveness and sensitivity to the needs of her students in the moment allows her students to progress and to gain a comprehensive understanding of their individual vocal instrument as a whole. I was impressed by Meg’s ability to anticipate repertoire challenges based on her knowledge of her students’ voices and then to mix specific, enjoyable vocal exercises into warm-ups which allow students to feel comfortable and have fun while learning aspects of musical theory and preparing the voice and body to meet potential challenges in their repertoire. I appreciate how Meg guides her students to map their voices by asking thoughtful and specific questions which encourage students to explore their voices and to discover how they function through reflection as well as active movement and discussion. This work is immensely valuable as it gives students the ability to fully understand Meg’s knowledge and teaching and to be able to apply it outside the studio in various contexts as needed, especially when vocal challenges arise in real world practice, rehearsal, and performance situations. In sum, I would absolutely recommend Meg Herder to anyone seeking high-quality singing lessons!

Kristen English, soprano & voice teacher

I can’t say enough good things about Meg Herder; she is an absolute gem of a voice teacher! She is both a fabulous teacher and overall human being. 



Highly recommend working with her if you want to learn or improve your singing voice.

Chris O’Leary, tenor

Fantastic teacher with incredible talent to dissect your voice to find its strengths. 



Those who
work with me often talk about

Those who work with me often talk about

I am able to understand your voice, from breath to sound, in precise and intricate ways, and reflect back to you. It's not just about technique; it's a kind of vocal empathy, an intuitive understanding of the nuances involved in releasing or supporting the voice. It’s not magic, I swear! My excellent ear allows me to listen to you and diagnose what could be happening internally, while also helping you get there. I’m listening, I’m observing, and I can almost feel it myself (okay, maybe I am a little magic!) 

This is how I work with each singer to find ways of bridging the gap between sound and sensation, creating a space where each note resonates not just in the air, but within the very core of the singer.

my secret weapon:


Watching you reach your 

is my passion 

Watching you reach your 
is my passion 

vocal potential

vocal potential

My mission is to redefine the singing experience. If you're searching for a transformative approach, I work with singers in ways beyond a typical vocal lesson. Working with me means finding your voice in your entire body, with a goal of complete release and relaxation, helping your voice do what you want it to do. 

Ease, freedom, and effortlessness are the foundation for every note. I specialize in unlocking the potential in every unique voice by tapping into the physicality of singing, creating harmony between the body and the sound you produce. This isn't about scripts or stories; it's about understanding your instrument in new, and precise ways, to uncover complete vocal liberation and voluntary control!  

“I didn’t know I could do that!” is something I hear all the time after making new adjustments and helping singers engage new muscle groups.

Witnessing these transformations is incredibly rewarding. I’m absolutely inspired to help you surprise yourself and gain new ways of communicating through song! So, let's navigate the path to a singing experience that's uniquely yours! 

Book a session today

watercolour vocal anatomy prints

I'm very excited to announce that 8x10 prints will be available for purchase in the near feature via my website!

learn more

**If you are a professional singer please click here to send me an inquiry in order to book your session.**